"When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target."

- George Fisher -

How does 36t trading group work for EXPORTS TO MEXICO?
  1. Go to the main page and click "Contact" at the top right corner of the website.
  2. Create a "User" and fill out the forms.
  3. 36t will contact you promptly to discuss via phone or email.
  4. Business models will be proposed and tailored to your needs.
  5. Select the best option for your endeavor and policies.
  6. Project tracking throughout delivery of goods.

After receiving the above information from the manufacturers, we look for distributors considering the parameters laid by the clients. Once the prices, volumes, and specifications offered are accepted, we arrange contract for finalization of order and terms of business. *Throughout the process samples will be asked for at different stages of the process.

We ask that every consignment be physically checked for uniform quality to comply with what you have offered, matching the samples that were accepted by the distributors.