"Understanding of market inefficiencies is the first step to creating both comparative and competitive advantages."

- 36t -

36t trading group focuses on the future and the understanding of markets and their economic trends and cycles.

Help clients understand how to meet their current demand, by analyzing long term possibilities on complementary products due to future industry needs.

Provide our clients with foresight to plan ahead and acquire first mover advantage through innovative visions and well-implemented strategies.

Offer in-depth research on free trade agreement policies, and industry-specific tariff changes or sector shifts; Constantly aware of regulation changes to manage client strategies according to country, sourcing area, manufacturing sector and logistics.

Manage due-diligence on patents, copyrights and regulations on intellectual property utilized in different phases of the process, securing clients'; best interests.

Monitor foreign exchange rates (FX) and track commodity price fluctuations to understand volatility of raw materials and how to be prepared for economic shifts that affect inventory programming and production/competitive costs.